Things are slow…

I’ve been on a bit of a Second Life break lately… all current projects are on hold probably until the new year. The good news is that the latest elevators that were released a couple months ago have proven very stable – I haven’t reset the one in my shop since I upgraded it, so that has lightened the workload a little bit. I still have the 2.0 elevator on the drawing board, but haven’t been working on it lately as I’m holding off to see what sort of destruction Havok 4 will do on the current elevators.

I’m still able to answer technical support requests, I’m doing my best to respond to your requests. If you send me a notecard in-world your response will likely be delayed as I don’t login often. Your best course of technical support is via IM or the contact form linked at the top of this page.

And on that technical support note, I feel a rant coming on…

What is with people that demand technical support the very minute they ask for it? Do they not realize that I have a first life, and work a full-time (and then some) job? Not to mention 9 times out of 10 they’re having trouble because they failed to properly read the instructions, which sometimes honest people look over something in the instructions and I understand that, I’m talking about the people who just wing it and expect things to work perfectly.

Typically an item is bought, the customer spends X amount of time trying to set it up after skimming or not reading the instructions, sends a support request, and when they don’t get a response in 30 minutes they trudge back to SL Exchange if that’s where they bought it and post a bad review saying that said item doesn’t work and my support sucks. If you ever find yourself doing this, do me a favour and slap yourself. Not to mention after said customer realizes it was their mistake, they don’t go back and change their review – thanks for that, I really appreciate it.

I’m not asking that people never send me a support request, all I’m asking is that I get enough time to respond to support requests – I ask for 24 hours… I usually respond in a lot less – sometimes in minutes if I’m at my computer and my email client is open.

On another not-so-heated topic… elevator installations. This one has not been a big deal to me, I just feel like I want to clarify why I don’t do installations. Basically, if you were to go to a hardware store and purchase a bath tub, is the hardware store going to come to your house and install it for you? Likely they aren’t… at least for free. I use the same mentality with my elevators. I spent a very large amount of time writing notecards and producing (now out-dated) instructional videos so that you could install your elevator yourself. Therefor, an elevator installation by a third-party is a luxury and not a requirement, so that’s why I have a listing of people that will install your elevators for a few Linden dollars.

I think that about sums everything up… if you don’t think I’m an ass right about now, thanks for having an open mind and you’re the kind of customer I like! Otherwise, you need to realize that your “the customer is always right” crap doesn’t fly at Union Micro. I’m an extremely reasonable person when faced with a reasonable customer – respect me and I’ll respect you.