Elevator feature freeze!

For real this time, honest! I know, I’ve said that before and yet the updates still keep coming. Shame on me for supporting my product! Anyway, I really hope to feature freeze the elevators this time. Note that this is a feature freeze and not a bug-fixing freeze. Should any bugs arise, they will be fixed and updated.

I think I’ve really got the elevators where I want them at the moment – they’re easy to install, have many nice features, and have gotten to be very reliable in the last few updates. There are still a lot of things I would like the elevators to be able to do, but the current code-base won’t support it without a COMPLETE rewrite. So for the time being, all of the things I think of adding will be put into a notecard for future use.

I need to broaden my product line a little bit so I am trying to create some non-elevator products in the near future. There are a couple of big markets I want to get in on, and I also want to find another niche market.

Believe it or not, when I first started making the Union Micro elevators, there was not ONE other “realistic” elevator on the market. Now, there still aren’t very many, but I do have some competition now. I use the term “realistic” loosely as I don’t believe there are any other elevators in Second Life that have as complex logic as my elevators – then again I haven’t really tried the competition, so who knows.

When I get back into the swing of elevators in the coming weeks (hopefully) you will be seeing the next step in elevators.