Elevator 2.3.1 soon!

Quickly following the major 2.3.0 release I will be releasing 2.3.1. This update will fix an issue where the car doors will open when the car is moving if the car is called to the floor that it’s currently at, at the same time it’s leaving that floor. Also this will fix another big issue that occurs when an idle floor is specified and the car is installed when it’s already at or near that floor – the car will usually open its doors and the exterior doors will open on the bottom floor instead of the idle floor.

This update should be released Friday night or possibly Saturday if any issues arise during testing. We feel that with this update we’re near to the level of stability that our generation 1 elevators have had for quite some time.

When the update is available simply rez your original “Union Micro Box – Elevator Script Package” and you should receive the update within a few seconds. This applies to the builders’ edition as well.

Upcoming elevator update

Version 2.3.0 has just went in for early testing. Notable changes include a bit of a sound system overhaul that allows for greater customization, some very important physics tweaks, more logging events including doubled log capacity, as well as some other things that are yet to be finalized.

This update should fix a lot of issues where a car with multiple passengers will ALMOST reach the destination floor but stop a bit short because it’s too heavy to creep that last little bit. Also, the car will now snap to the destination floor if it gets stuck within 1 meter of it.

Expect a release by the weekend – any builders that are about to release a building with 2.2.1 or earlier should most definitely hold off and update to 2.3.0 when it’s released.

v2 Builders’ Edition

I’ve released an update to the elevators (v2.2.0) to facilitate the introduction of the new builders’ edition script package. This new edition allows you to transfer working* elevators with your buildings and then you customer only needs to purchase an Elevator Unlocker to make it all work!

Come check out our elevators and other products at our new main store in Lionheart.

* Elevator car needs to have a serial number entered before it will move.

Main Store Opened!

I’m happy to announce that our new main store in the Lionheart region is now officially open! Drop by and check out our new building that was designed and built by Timothy Harlow of Level10. The building is a fresh new look compared to our last main store in Ruwart and we hope that it’s the start of a bright future in the Lionheart region.

We appreciate any feedback you have for us regarding our new location, and anything else for that matter.

Happy holidays from all of us at Union Micro!

New main store picture

Postmaster released!

The Postmaster system is intended to take an e-mail as input and then send it out as instant messages to multiple avatars. It is able to filter e-mails to different groups of avatars depending on the subject of the e-mail. You can filter based on exact subject matches or partial subject matches.

The Postmaster is designed to accept e-mail from outside of Second Life (external) and from other Second Life objects (internal). E-mail from other Second Life objects will automatically have the Second Life header information stripped from the message before sending.

Also included is a built-in avatar scanner which allows you to detect the avatar keys of up to 16 avatars within 30 meters of the Postmaster.

Buy now!

New location in the works!

We’re working hard at bringing our new main store online. The build is close to being completed and then I just need to fill it up with products and do some landscaping. The old main store in Ruwart will be downsized to a 1024 sq. meter piece of land that will act partly as a branch location and a redirection to the new main store. Feel free to stop by and check out the build in progress in the Lionheart region.

Escalators updated!

I’ve released a fairly minor, yet major update to the escalators. Major being the fact that I’ve added some 10m escalators to the package! I also did some minor tweaks to the system – I reduced the escalator noise by 50% as well as included a silent poseball in the box that you can replace the one in the escalators with. I updated the instructions with some modification tips and included the texture animation scripts to restart the stair animation after making copies of the escalators or stair prims.

Simply rez one of your out of date escalators to receive an updated package from the update server – check out the new crate while you’re at it!